Sunday, June 24, 2012

Record Setting Day 2

Day two of the 2012 Olympic Trials will likely go down in history forever and never forgotten those of thus that were there.  Historic Hayward Field continued to earn it's place as one of the best track venues in the world as home state hero and former Duck, Ashton Eaton scored 9,039 points to set a new World Record in the Decathlon.  The mark is obviously a new American Record, Trials,  Hayward Field record as well.  The best comparison we could come up with was a perfect game in baseball. He broke two individual decathlon event records (100m and long jump) along the way and won seven of the ten events.  (Yes, they keep records for each of the events within the multi event).  Eaton needed a two second lifetime best in the final event (1500m) to break the record in front of a raucous Eugene crowd.  He was on pace for two laps and then fell off pace two seconds with 400 meters to go.  World famous and longtime self proclaimed decath-nut announcer Frank Zarnowski made sure we all knew the splits Eaton needed to hit to stay on pace.  With 350m to go Eaton found the reserve he needed and the turnover picked up as his posture lifted and the crowds down the backstretch around Bowerman curve and then down the homestretch pushed him to the record with two seconds and 13 points to spare.  Eaton is only the second man to ever break the 9000 point barrier.

Day two was another rainy overcast afternoon of track and field.  The meet actually was delayed about 20 minutes due to a heavy downpour that rolled across the venue right as the track session was to begin.  The women's 100m and 100m hurdle teams were set as well.  The men's shot put and high jump along with the women's disc and triple jump prelims were held.  Men's putter Adam Nelson and high jumper Andra Manson were the notable athletes to not advance.  The semi finals of the men's and women's 400m and 800m set the fields for those finals as well.  Regardless of who actually makes those teams, the US will be very well represented as virtually all the favorites advanced.

Today's photos include:  another rainy day at HHF, Eaton leading the decathletes on a victory lap, a huge banner featuring legendary coach Bill Bowerman in the OT Pavillion that surrounds the stadium, and a local pub noting the distance (in miles) to the other Pac-12 institutions.

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